AFLiCo conference
Every other year, the AFLiCo organizes an international conference. The idea is that each conference is hosted by a French or francophone university and has its own theme. Attendance at these conferences as listener is open to any researcher, in France or abroad; however, AFLiCo membership is required for presenters. Submissions for papers are evaluated by a scientific board (double blind review).
Last conference
9th International Conference of the French Association for Cognitive Linguistics (AFLiCo 9)
Theme: "Embodied and Ecolinguistic Approaches to Cognitive Linguistics"
Lyon, France, 15-17 May 2024.
Previous conferences
AFLiCo 8, "Language, Cognition and Creativity"
Mulhouse, 5-7 June 2019.
Organized by Craig Hamilton. - AFLiCo 7, "Discourse, Cognition, and Constructions: Implications and Applications"
Liège, 31 May - 3 June 2017.
Organized by Julien Perrez, Lot Brems, Christelle Maillart, and Laurent Rasier. - AFLiCo 6, "Language, Cognition, and Society"
Grenoble, 26-28 May 2015.
Organized by Jean-Pierre Chevrot and Caroline Rossi. - AFLiCo 5, "Empirical approaches to multi-modality and to language variation"
Lille 3, May 15-17, 2013.
Organized by Maarten Lemmens, Annie Risler, Dany Amiot, and Bert Cappelle. - AFLiCo 4, "Cognitive linguistics and typology: Language diversity, variation and change"
Lyon 2, May 24-27, 2011.
Organized by Anetta Kopecka, Diana Lewis, Florence Chenu, Colette Grinevald, and Linda Brendlin. - AFLiCo 3, "Grammars in Construction(s)"
Paris 10, May 27-29, 2009.
Organized by Guillaume Desagulier and Philippe Gréa. - AFLiCo 2, "Typologie, Gestes, et Signes"
Lille 3, May 10-12, 2007.
Organized by Maarten Lemmens and Annie Risler. - AFLiCo 1
Bordeaux, May 25-27, 2005.
Organized by Jean-Rémi Lapaire, Guillaume Desagulier, and Jean-Baptiste Guignard.
Workshops (JET)
The AFLiCo also regularly organizes workshops (JET for "Journée d'études").
The next JET workshop will take place on 4th April 2025 in Lille, France. It will mark the 20th anniversary of the AFLiCo.
La prochaine journée d'études se déroulera le 4 avril 2025 à l'Université de Lille. Elle marquera les vingt ans de l'AFLiCo.
Previous workshops:
- 2018: Corpus and representativity. Paris Nanterre, 3-4 May 2018. - 2016: Cognitive Linguistics before and after the empirical turn. Nanterre, 27 May 2016. - 2014: Stance and (Inter)Subjectivity. Paris, 22 March 2014.
- 2012: Multimodality and Corpus. Paris, 23-24 March 2012.
- 2010: What type of cognition for cognitive linguistics? Bordeaux, 4-5 June 2010.
Grenoble Cognitive Linguistics Winter School (CL@UGA)
The AFLiCo organised a Winter School in Autrans near Grenoble, France, on 13-16 March 2023. The aim was to foster discussion on current hot topics in Cognitive Linguistics while allowing for rich interactions between senior and younger researchers. The programme thus included both Masterclasses and more practical and interactive sessions.
Invited Lecturers: Maarten Lemmens (Univ. Lille, France, and STL lab.), Guillaume Desagulier (Univ. Paris 8, France and MoDyCo lab.), and Susanne Flach (Univ. Zurich, Switzerland)
Click here for more information (PDF)
The 6 Masterclasses of our invited lecturers:
- Usage-based models and methodological issues in CL, by M. Lemmens
- Typological perspectives on location, by M. Lemmens
- Cognitive corpus linguistics with R, by G. Desagulier
- Changes in the midst of a construction network: a diachronic construction grammar approach to complex prepositions denoting internal location by G. Desagulier
- Basics of R and collostructions, by S. Flach
- A case of constructional contamination in English: Modified noun phrases influence adverb placement in the passive. by S. Flach
The interactive sessions:
- Elevator pitches on the first day where PhD fellows are expected to present their projects within a limited period of time (3 minutes).
- Project workshops where students work in groups and present their projects in a workshop paper format and receive detailed feedback from the lecturers and other teachers attending the school.
- A 2-hour session on paper writing and publishing.
Workshop "Constructions and Context(s)"
The AFLiCo was pleased to sponsor the workshop "Constructions and Context(s)", organized by Benoît Leclercq, Guillaume Desagulier and Dylan Glynn, and which took place on 9 November 2022 at Paris 8 University. The goal of this workshop was to provide a platform for any research on construction grammar that is concerned with how context (either linguistic or extra-linguistic) plays a role in a construction's meaning, usage, or representation (alone or within a paradigm).
Invited speaker: Dominique LEGALLOIS (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle)
AFLiCo Lecture Series 2020 (online)
In 2020, year of the pandemic, the AFLiCo organised an online Lecture Series with invited talks. The Association has held successful biennial workshops (AFLiCo JET) for over 10 years, and the 6th edition was due to take place in Grenoble in the fall of 2020. AFLiCo JET workshops have provided a forum for high-quality research in cognitive linguistics and, more generally, usage-based approaches to language (see e.g. CogniTextes special issue 19). With the COVID-19 crisis preventing us from planning the usual gathering, we have outlined an alternative proposal. Our 2020 workshop was held online, and the format changed accordingly.
The series of invited talks took place from the 14th to 18th of December 2020, and they were published in Volume 21 of CogniTextes, the AFLiCo's online journal.
Other events
- Corpus Linguistics conference 2025
1 - 4 July 2025
Birmingham, UK - 17th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC)
14 - 18 July 2025
Buenos Aires, Argentina - Researching and Applying Metaphor (RaAM) 17
7 - 10 August 2025
Southfield, Michigan, USA
Coming up
JET workshop, 20 years of AFLiCo, 4 April 2025, Lille, France
Corpus Linguistics 2025, 1 - 4 July 2025, Birmingham, UK
ICLC 17, 14 - 18 July 2025, Buenos Aires, Argentina
RaAM 17, 7 - 10 August 2025, Southfield MI, USA
Design by Florent Perek